
By Vince Frantz June 29, 2024
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam arcu nisi, maximus ut eros vel, rhoncus pellentesque diam. Aliquam iaculis convallis enim, non vehicula lorem imperdiet vehicula. Etiam ornare eros sit amet lobortis lobortis. Nulla nec libero eget lectus posuere dictum. Maecenas maximus molestie nulla quis tempus. Donec a neque eget felis scelerisque viverra. Proin dapibus urna massa, sed hendrerit dui mollis at. Vestibulum vel eros viverra, facilisis ligula at, tincidunt felis. Sed hendrerit elementum sagittis. Aliquam eget ipsum id massa convallis scelerisque hendrerit sit amet nibh. Praesent imperdiet turpis sed pharetra dictum. Fusce ultricies urna vitae ex efficitur, nec pretium elit dignissim.  Proin sit amet ante nec orci euismod pretium. Aenean iaculis id tellus id semper. Maecenas pharetra porttitor felis sit amet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Integer augue tellus, cursus id sagittis at, commodo non felis. Proin laoreet tincidunt velit eget aliquam. Morbi non aliquam enim, nec semper ipsum. Donec eu commodo leo. Pellentesque id eros vitae tellus iaculis interdum eget vitae magna. Nunc sagittis mauris eget ullamcorper interdum. Nam commodo lacus id ex vestibulum, ut finibus mi feugiat. Phasellus a pretium ligula, ac pellentesque quam. Proin sed ipsum in leo posuere ultrices eu ut dui. Maecenas scelerisque sodales nibh, dictum blandit diam pulvinar a. Suspendisse consectetur nunc a dui hendrerit sagittis ut a lectus. Vestibulum felis orci, fermentum at leo vel, convallis volutpat sem. Sed feugiat leo tempor lectus maximus feugiat. Vestibulum nec congue nisi. Maecenas at ligula efficitur nibh tempus pellentesque. Proin dictum eros quis elit sollicitudin cursus. Phasellus sed libero faucibus, aliquam justo a, fermentum risus. Suspendisse nulla erat, consequat vel erat sed, lobortis molestie velit. Proin odio sem, egestas sit amet imperdiet at, vestibulum eu sapien.
Lakewood High School Varsity Baseball Camp
By Vince Frantz June 20, 2024
Learn Baseball the Ranger Way Join other Lakewood ball players as we teach the fundamentals of baseball in a safe, 4 day baseball camp run by the Lakewood High School coaching staff and the LCBA. Players can meet new friends, test their skills and learn baseball the Ranger Way. Players practice with their own ages with each group learning the proper fundamentals for their level. Open to all youth regardless of experience. Stay fresh and prepare for tryouts by getting familiar with the Harding Middle School field and batting cages along with other Lakewood ball players your age. A great, fun way to extend the season! July 29th - August 1st, 2024 at Lakewood High School Baseball Field Players bring their own equipment and arrive ready to play: Ball glove Athletic Cup Molded/plastic cleats, baseball pants, ball hat required Batting helmet and bat Water bottle Monday 7/29 - Thursday 8/1 Level 1: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (Grades 1st-4th / Ages 7,8,9,10*) Level 2: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Grades 5th-8th / Ages 11,12,13,14*) *Age of the child on May 1st 2024 Registration Cost $50 for Residents , $60 Non-residents. Scholarships are available, contact the Recreation Department for more info or Register in Person at the Lakewood Rec Dept 14100 Franklin Ave M-F 8:30am - 5:00PM.
By Vince Frantz June 20, 2024
Lakewood Rangers Softball Camp Join other Lakewood softball players as we teach the fundamentals in a safe, 4 day camp run by the Lakewood High School Softball coaching staff. Girls can meet new friends, test their skills and learn softball the MUDITA Way! Players practice with their own ages with each group learning the proper fundamentals for their level in a fun, positive atmosphere. Open to all youth regardless of experience. Stay fresh and prepare for soft tryouts by getting familiar with the Lakewood Softball Field and batting cages along with other Lakewood ball players your age. A great, fun way to extend the season! July 29th - August 1st, 2024 at Lakewood High School North Lot Softball Field Players bring their own equipment and arrive ready to play: Ball glove, Hat Batting helmet and bat Water bottle Monday 7/29 - Thursday 8/1 Level 1: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (Grades K-3rd / Ages 5-9*) Level 2: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (Grades 4th-7th / Ages 9-13*) If your 9 year old girl has some softball playing experience and would like to join Level 2 that's OK. Registration Cost $50 for Residents , $60 Non-residents. Scholarships are available, contact the Recreation Department for more info or Register in Person at the Lakewood Rec Dept 14100 Franklin Ave M-F 8:30am - 5:00PM.

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