Join other Lakewood softball players as we teach the fundamentals in a safe, 4 day camp run by the Lakewood High School Softball coaching staff. Girls can meet new friends, test their skills and learn softball the MUDITA Way! Players practice with their own ages with each group learning the proper fundamentals for their level in a fun, positive atmosphere.
Open to all youth regardless of experience. Stay fresh and prepare for soft tryouts by getting familiar with the Lakewood Softball Field and batting cages along with other Lakewood ball players your age. A great, fun way to extend the season!
Players bring their own equipment and arrive ready to play:
If your 9 year old girl has some softball playing experience and would like to join Level 2 that's OK.
Registration Cost $50 for Residents, $60 Non-residents.
Scholarships are available, contact the Recreation Department for more info or Register in Person at the Lakewood Rec Dept 14100 Franklin Ave M-F 8:30am - 5:00PM.
Lorem: 555-555-5555
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